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There are two main windows in administrator's management page, Side Panel and main window.

Side panel is used to browse through the organisation branches. By clicking on specific branches in the side panel, administrator will get more information in the main window.

Main window of each branch in the organisation is different.

It will have it's own Tabs with different kind of organisation for each Shop and organisation branch.

By switching tabs (each different for each organisational branch) in the main window, admin can make changes, if admin has permissions to do so.

First: access tills list:

1. Select a shop in your organisation tree in side panel, which Tills you wish to access.

2. Switch to Tills tab in the Main window.

Then: to create new Till:

1. Click Create New Till.

2. Type-in new name of the Till.

3. Click Submit.

To edit a Till:

1. Click Edit button in the last column of the Till you wish to edit.

2. Change name or disable/enable the till.

3. Click Submit.

To delete a Till:

1. Click delete button in the last column of the Till you wish to delete.

2. Click Yes in the pop-up window to confirm removal.

  • admin/management.1487923793.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2017/02/24 08:09
  • (external edit)