
This is an old revision of the document!

Betting Limits Configuration

Currently, betting limits are divided into three parts - per game, per organisation, and per shop. Additionally, there is a risk manager option for specific organisational needs. Each option has its advantages and disadvantages.

The game configuration in organisation is the first step in the entire hierarchy of limit configuration. It is the base guidelines under which the game in the organisation operates. If no other settings are changed within a shop, this is where the default setting option is configured.

Four configurable options appear in every game's settings - limits per selection, limits per event, limits per product and limits win per bet leg. Limits per event are only useful for dogs, live, greyhounds, lotto, and sports bets as there is no ability to bet on different events, other than the current or the next one, in other games.

Limit per selection covers individual bets within a particular event, such as a match, lottery, dog race, etc. An administrator can limit the minimum and maximum stake the organisation wants to allow their customer to bet on a single selection. Both Stake (Min) and Stake (Max) cannot be higher than the values in event and/or product.

Limit per event covers individual betting events, such as sports matches, lotteries, dog races, etc. Administrators are able to control two parameters here - selections and stake. Minimum and maximum amount of selections per event can be configured, as well as minimum and maximum stake. Number of selections per event must be smaller or equal than number per selections per product. Stake min and max amount can not be equal to 0 and both min and max stake value must be higher than min stake per selection * min number of selection per event.

Limit per product covers the entire game, i.e. dogs, lotto, sports, roulette, etc. As in limits per event, minimum and maximum amount of selections per product can be configured, as well as minimum and maximum stake. Both stakes amount must be greater than 0 and max stake per product amount must be equal or higher than min number of selections per event * min stake per selection in product. And max stake per product must be equal or higher than min stake per selection * min number of selections in product. If you set 5€ as a minimum stake here, the customers will still be able to bet smaller amounts on individual selections, but the cumulative amount must reach at least 5€.

Limit win per bet leg covers win limit per bet leg. Administrator can set how much can be win per one bet leg. It can be set legs number to which set this limit and limit amount for each one. Bet legs win limits must be ascending. If max win amount reaches bet leg win limit user is not allowed to bet.

Game limits setup is simple. You have to go to admin website, games section and edit settings for chosen game.

In opened window unmark "Use Default" near limits, turn on wanted limits configurations and write your values.

For game only in that shop settings go to Management section, click on wanted shop and then select games tab and select game for which you would like to update different settings.

There are four configurable options within shop settings:

  • Minimum Stake - minimum amount money a customer can bet on a slip
  • Maximum Stake - maximum amount money a customer can bet on a slip
  • 1 bet leg win limit - maximum amount of money a customer can win per one bet leg
  • Max win per slip - maximum amount of money a customer can win on a slip

Limits in a game within a shop always trump shop's limits, except when a shop has a maximum stake configured. In that way, it does not matter what settings the shop's game has, it will still adhere to the maximum stake limit set within a shop. If a shop has set a minimum stake and one of its games has a higher minimum stake than the shop itself, the game's limit will be followed.

Shop's limits are also more important than organisation's settings, meaning, even if the organisation has a lower maximum stake than the shop, the shop's figures will be in effect.

There are only basic configurations in organisational settings - minimum and maximum stake. This a default value that will be used in all shops if no settings are altered. As mentioned above, if a shop's setting is changed, it will override the organisational one.

Go to admin website to management section and set limits settings for organization and / or shop.

Risk manager is a tool that spans the entire organisation. It allows to control the total stake limit per event, meaning, organisations can control the total amount of money staked on a a sports event, roulette spin, dog race, etc. For example, if the limit is set at 1000€, only 10 tickets of 100€ per stake will be able to be made. After the limit is reached, customers will no longer be able to bet on the event.

  • admin/betting-limits-configuration.1661236350.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2022/08/23 06:32
  • by ieva-buinauskiene