
DB schema for online platform BI integrations

Documentation for core database schema that is exposed via for BI integration.

BI schema has the following data tables:

Table Description
user List of user accounts
wallet List of user account wallets with current balances
deposit List of money transfer operations to the platform
withdrawal List of money transfer operations out of the platform
slip List of betting slips
bet List bets (single slip can contain multiple bets)
bet_leg List of bet legs (multi-leg accumulator bets contain more than one bet leg per bet)
product List of supported products in the betting platform (example, sports betting, horce racing)
Field Description
user_id Numeric ID, unique account identifier.
display_name Full name of the punter.
email Email address associated with the account.
phone Mobile phone associated with the account.
date_of_birth Date of birth of the account owner.
registration_time Time when account was created.
registration_finish_time Time when account creation were finalized.
last_login_finish_time Lats time when account were used.
last_login_finish_time Lats time when deposit operation was performed with this account.
incomeaccess_btag A BTAG value if user registered by an affiliate via Income Access.
disabled Set to true 1 if account is suspended, 0 otherwise.
Field Description
wallet_uuid Unique wallet ID.
user_id Reference to the user table.
currency_code Wallet currency ISO 4217 code.
balance Current wallet balance.
promo_balance Balance of promo cash.
type Wallet type, possible values are regular for real cash wallet or bonus for bonus campaign wallets.
Field Description
deposit_uuid Unique deposit transaction ID.
user_id Reference to user table.
wallet_uuid Reference to wallet table.
currency_code Transaction currency ISO 4217 code.
amount Amount of money in the transaction.
gateway Payments gateway used to process this transaction.
state Transaction state. Enum field.
n - new
w - waiting
v - verified
a - approved
r - rejected
c - cancelled
create_time Time when transaction was created.
process_time Time when transaction was processed.
Field Description
withdrawal_uuid Unique withdrawal transaction ID.
user_id Reference to user table.
wallet_uuid Reference to wallet table.
currency_code Transaction currency ISO 4217 code.
amount Amount of money in the transaction.
gateway Payments gateway used to process this transaction.
state Transaction state. Enum field.
n - new
w - waiting
v - verified
a - approved
r - rejected
c - cancelled
create_time Time when transaction was created.
process_time Time when transaction was processed.
Field Description
user_id Reference to user table.
currency_code Slip currency ISO 4217 code.
slip_uuid Unique slip ID.
slip_id Numeric unique Slip ID.
slip_state Slip state. Enum field.
n - new betting slip
W - winner paid-out
L - loser
R - revoked paid-out
K - expired or forced loser slip
slip_revoked True if slip is marked as revoked.
slip_issue_time Time when slip was purchased/issued (main index for time based filtering)
slip_resolve_time Time when slip was initially resulted (slip might be re-resulted later of event result changes).
slip_payout_time Time when slip was paid-out.
slip_price_total Total amount of money paid for the slip.
slip_promo_used Amount of promo cash used for this slip.
slip_paid_out Amount of money paid-out to the punters wallet for this slip.
slip_paid_out_promo Amount of promo cash paid-out to the punters wallet for this slip.
slip_win_total Total amount of money won by this slip.
Field Description
user_id Reference to user table.
currency_code Slip currency ISO 4217 code.
slip_uuid Unique slip ID.
slip_id Numeric unique Slip ID.
slip_state Slip state. Enum field.
n - new betting slip
W - winner paid-out
L - loser
R - revoked paid-out
K - expired or forced loser slip
slip_revoked True if slip is marked as revoked.
slip_issue_time Time when slip was purchased/issued (main index for time based filtering)
slip_resolve_time Time when slip was initially resulted (slip might be re-resulted later of event result changes).
slip_payout_time Time when slip was paid-out.
slip_price_total Total amount of money paid for the slip.
slip_promo_used Amount of promo cash used for this slip.
slip_paid_out Amount of money paid-out to the punters wallet for this slip.
slip_paid_out_promo Amount of promo cash paid-out to the punters wallet for this slip.
slip_win_total Total amount of money won by this slip.
bet_stake Stake for this bet
bet_current_odds Current odds for this bet (might not match initial odds, for example in dead-heat situations, keno game)
bet_issued_odds Initial odds when bet was placed
bet_bonus_multiplier Multi-leg accumulator bonus multiplier
bet_penalty_multiplier Early-payout penalty multiplier
bet_state Bet state
1 - active
2 - won
3 - lost
4 - cancelled
event_product_id Product ID (Aardvark internal)
Field Description
user_id Reference to user table.
currency_code Slip currency ISO 4217 code.
slip_uuid Unique slip ID.
slip_id Numeric unique Slip ID.
slip_state Slip state. Enum field.
n - new betting slip
W - winner paid-out
L - loser
R - revoked paid-out
K - expired or forced loser slip
slip_revoked True if slip is marked as revoked.
slip_issue_time Time when slip was purchased/issued (main index for time based filtering)
slip_resolve_time Time when slip was initially resulted (slip might be re-resulted later of event result changes).
slip_payout_time Time when slip was paid-out.
slip_price_total Total amount of money paid for the slip.
slip_promo_used Amount of promo cash used for this slip.
slip_paid_out Amount of money paid-out to the punters wallet for this slip.
slip_paid_out_promo Amount of promo cash paid-out to the punters wallet for this slip.
slip_win_total Total amount of money won by this slip.
bet_stake Stake for this bet
bet_current_odds Current odds for this bet (might not match initial odds, for example in dead-heat situations, keno game)
bet_issued_odds Initial odds when bet was placed
bet_bonus_multiplier Multi-leg accumulator bonus multiplier
bet_penalty_multiplier Early-payout penalty multiplier
bet_state Bet state
1 - active
2 - won
3 - lost
4 - cancelled
bet_leg_option Market and selection
bet_leg_data Extra bet related data (Aardvark internal)
bet_leg_current_odds Actual odds for this selection
bet_leg_issued_odds Original odds when bet was issued
bet_leg_state Selection state
1 - active
2 - won
3 - lost
4 - cancelled
bet_leg_revoked Set to true if leg was revoked due to early cash-out
event_product_id Product ID (Aardvark internal)
event_uuid Reference to event
Field Description
product_id Unique product identifier
module Module name for this product
  • internal/online-bi-db-schema.txt
  • Last modified: 2020/09/21 12:20
  • (external edit)