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Lottery Combinations

The main purpose of lottery combinations is to generate all possible combinations of the selected main pool balls. A number of combinations is determined for these bet markets:

  • Classic (Excl. Bonus);
  • Classic (Incl. Bonus);
  • In Order From 1st;
  • Crazy;
  • Classic + Bonus;
  • Classic + Color Bonus;
  • Bonus (only when lottery has a market to choose 2 bonus or power balls - then it is possible to choose bonus balls combinations).

Lottery combinations functionality can be turned on / off by clicking on the button Combinations at the right top corner of the lottery screen.

After selecting an individual lottery, the cashier is presented with the lottery's own dedicated screen where all betting options can be seen depending on the selected betting markets tab - Number Bets, Extra Bets, Color Bets. Betting market tabs are shown if the lottery has these betting markets enabled according to the lottery's configuration.

At Number Bets and Color Bets cashier can pick the balls by clicking on the numbers manually or pressing on the Quick Pick button to select balls automatically.

A few sections depend on the lottery’s own configuration:

  • the size and type of balls pools (Main, Power, Bonus) - how many and what specific type of balls are in the pools;
  • selection size - how many balls from pools could be selected. If selection is full, balls (color) in the pools are inactive to select. Important: if you want to change a ball of the selection manually, you should deselect a ball from the selection and add the other ball (color);
  • the color set - which one could be added to the selection.

Balls can be added to the selection automatically by using the Quick Pick function. When pressing on Quick Pick, the modal appears. If the lottery has bonus, power balls or color betting markets, it can be added to the selection by marking a checkbox at the Quick Pick modal.

The order of the actions is important:

  1. At first, the checkmark of bonus, power ball or color should be marked.
  2. Number of balls should be selected.
  3. Quick Pick modal closes and then the filled selection is shown.
  • cashier/lottery-combinations.1700061185.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2023/11/15 15:13
  • by aurelija-poskaite