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Cash Operations

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Cash Operations (Cash Ops) is a feature allowing Administrator to view specific information regarding Cash Operations in Administrator's viewed organisation.


By accessing Filter on the left-side of the screen, administrator can filter data information by:

Date - administrator can specify in what date period a report shall be generated. Administrator can also pick on quick options as "Today", "Yesterday" and so on.

Market - Market filter allows Administrator to drill down Reporting information from Organisation side, to Shop, or Group (if such exist) sizes.

Group by Cashier - feature allows Administrator to Group Summary Report by Cashier.

After Choosing specific Filters, Administrator must click on Generate button, in order to generate a Report.

In Detailed Report of Cash Operations, administrator can also filter the Data by its type (paid In, Paid Out) and by Cash Amount (min to max). These filters are accessible near the Column selections.

Report Tabs

Two kind of Reports are generated in the Administrator Cash Ops: Summary & Detailed.

By Switching between the Summary and Detailed tabs, administrator can get some more (or less) filtering options.


Each Report - Summary and Detailed - has specific columns to show data. These Columns can be selected/deselected by ticking/un-ticking them. By Default - all data shall be pre-selected. When administrator selects/deselects a column, Report shall automatically update.

Export Data

On the right-side of the Report, Administrator has an option to export data in (currently) .csv file format.

Only selected columns will get exported

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