====== Zendesk ====== To use zendesk widget add this code to the custom script section: // ZENDESK WIDGET START window.zESettings = { webWidget: { offset: { horizontal: '1px', vertical: '1x', mobile: { horizontal: '-8px', vertical: '50px' } } } }; var head = document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0]; script = document.createElement('script'); script.src = ''; script.id = 'ze-snippet'; head.appendChild(script) // ZENDESK WIDGET END To make it work for your case, insert zendesk script url with key, and change this line only: script.src = ''; To change placement of widget, change these settings: window.zESettings = { webWidget: { offset: { horizontal: '1px', vertical: '1x', mobile: { horizontal: '-8px', vertical: '50px' } } } }; To hide zendesk chat widget in certain game(in this case `evolution`), add such snippet below: // ZENDESK HIDE FOR EVOLUTION START document.addEventListener("routeChange", routeChangeEvent => { if (routeChangeEvent.detail.moduleName === 'evolution') { waitzE(function() { zE('webWidget', 'hide')}); } else { waitzE(function() { zE('webWidget', 'show')}); } }); function sleep(ms) { return new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, ms)); } async function waitzE(cb) { while(typeof zE !== "function") { await sleep(1000); } cb(); } // ZENDESK HIDE FOR EVOLUTION END