==== Content hidder script ==== === USAGE === **SUB_DOMAIN** Add subdomain name so script starts only on specific subdomain. If you want script turned off, leave it `undefined` or just `""`. Make sure there is no space between quotes, otherwise script will work no matter subdomain name. **HIDDEN_CONTENT** Here you can add specific website parts to be hidden. Class / ID has to be unique, otherwise it will hide all content that match written class/id. **REDIRECT_TO_MAIN_PAGE_AFTER_REGISTRATION** Set this to "true" if you want that after complete registration user will be redirected to your main page and hider script disabled. There is one downside with it - after redirect user will have to re-login to his account. **REDIRECT_TO_MAIN_PAGE_AFTER_LOGIN** Set this to "true" if you want that after login user will be redirected to your main page and hider script disabled. There is one downside with it - after redirect user will have to re-login to his account. **HIDDEN_GAMES** Here you can add games that you want to be hidden in header. If you pass `'undefined'` to hidden games array it will hide all expandable menus. It is important to know that if you want the best experience with the script you should add `'.left-menu.side-menu-toggle-wrapper'` to HIDDEN_CONTENT array, to hide mobile side menu, since this script can't handle it. == Available games : == - dogs - prematch - betgames-iframe - betgames-rng-wheel - live - lottery - horses - keno - roulette - greyhounds - pragmatic - agtslots - roulette-live - dogs - betgames-rng-wheel - undefined (hides every expandable header menu) === HIDDER SCRIPT === const SUB_DOMAIN = ''; const REDIRECT_TO_MAIN_PAGE_AFTER_REGISTRATION = true; const REDIRECT_TO_MAIN_PAGE_AFTER_LOGIN = true; const HIDDEN_CONTENT = [ '.banner-row.center', '.banner-row.right', '.header-cms-links-row', '#cms-footer-content-holder', '.left-menu.side-menu-toggle-wrapper' ]; const HIDDEN_GAMES = [ 'horses', 'lottery', 'roulette', 'horses', 'keno', 'betgames-iframe', 'greyhounds', 'undefined', 'pragmatic', 'agtslots', 'roulette-live', 'dogs', 'evolution', 'betgames-rng-wheel' ]; const getElement = async selector => { while (document.querySelectorAll(selector).length === 0) { await new Promise(resolve => requestAnimationFrame(resolve)) } return document.querySelectorAll(selector); } function hidePageContent() { HIDDEN_CONTENT.forEach(element => { getElement(element).then((selector) => { selector.forEach((elem) => { elem.remove(); }) }) }); HIDDEN_GAMES.forEach(game => { getElement('.website-game-' + game).then((selector) => { selector.forEach((elem) => { elem.remove(); }) }) }) } function addMeta() { const meta = document.createElement("meta"); meta.name = "robots"; meta.content = "noindex"; document.head.appendChild(meta); } function getParsedSubDomain() { const host = window.location.host; return host.split('.')[1] ? host.split('.')[0] : ' '; } function redirectToMainPage() { const host = window.location.origin; const newURL = host.replace(SUB_DOMAIN + '.', ''); window.location.assign(newURL); } function startHider() { const parsedSubDomain = getParsedSubDomain(); if (parsedSubDomain !== SUB_DOMAIN) return; addMeta(); hidePageContent(); window.addEventListener('resize', hidePageContent); document.addEventListener('routeChange', hidePageContent); document.addEventListener('cmsPageLoaded', hidePageContent); if (REDIRECT_TO_MAIN_PAGE_AFTER_REGISTRATION) { document.body.addEventListener('userRegisterComplete', redirectToMainPage); } if (REDIRECT_TO_MAIN_PAGE_AFTER_LOGIN) { document.body.addEventListener('userLogIn', redirectToMainPage); } } startHider();