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Early Cashout

Early cashout allows customers to make quick and easy sports betting payouts before all matches in the ticket are over. Also, all finished bets must be winning bets so far to allow early cashout option. The cashout feature is valid both for prematch and live sports betting. Returning sum depends on odds and penalties set from admin. You need to turn on cashout function from admin website for every game separately.

Early cashout setup is simple and straightforward - everything is conveniently available in website games and organization game settings.

To set cashout follow this instructions:

  1. Go to admin website.
  2. Select ‘Online Betting’ tab at the top.
  3. In new opened window ‘Website’ tab is active, below click on ‘Games’ tab.
  4. Scroll game list until you find game to which you want to add possibility to cash out money.
  5. Click on pencil icon to manage game settings.

  • 6. ‘Early payouts’ section set ‘Enabled’ – On and set your setting for early cashout.

You can set cashout for the entire organization shops or for shop separately. For entire organization you need to go to ‘Games’ section. For separately shop go to ‘Management’ select shop and click on ‘Games’ section. Scroll until you find game name and press ‘Edit’ settings. In game settings you will find ‘Early payouts’, click on ‘Enabled’ on and set other setting for cashout.

There are two options organisations can choose from to control the early cashout feature - minimum odds, and cashout penalty.

  • Minimum odds - the lowest possible odds of any single bet in the online ticket that still allow a user to perform an early cashout. If there is at least one bet in the ticket the odds of which are lower than this value, the early cashout feature will not be available for the user.
  • Penalty table - organisations can decide whether to deduct a set amount of money from each online cashout. With each line of the payout table, users can select the amount of resulted legs that the deduction applies to and the deduction percentage. Deductions do not add up, meaning, the deduction is only applicable to the amount of total resulted legs. There are no recommendations on these settings - it is equally acceptable to deduct a fixed amount regardless of resulted legs and to deduct a variable amount that changes depending on the amount of resulted legs.

Note: If 100% is entered in any of the penalty table fields, online users will not be able to use the online cashout feature.

Single bet cashout calculation is the same in cashier and online applications. All calculations require initial odds, current odds, stake and deduction if any is. The early cashout calculation for single bet are simpler then for multi bets. Single bet cashout calculation is straightforward - initial odds are divided by current odds, and then multiplied by the stake. Afterward, the organisation deduction is applied. For example:

  • The customer places a R100 bet for PSG to win with an odds of 1.50. During the match, PSG is leading, but the customer is not entirely sure if they will win. He/she then performs an online cashout at odds of 1.20. If the betting company applies a 10% deduction for each cashout, the calculation will look as follows:
    • (1.50/1.20)*100 - 10% = R112.5
  • The customer places a R100 bet for PSG to win with an odds of 1.50. After 60 minutes, the match is still tied, and the customer wants to ensure that he/she is not left empty. He/she then performs an online cashout at odds of 2.00. If the betting company applies a 10% deduction for each cashout, the calculation will look as follows:
    • (1.50/2.00)*100 - 10% = R67.5

Multiple bet cashout calculation is a bit more complicated, but in essence, the process stays exactly the same. Initial total odds are divided by the current odds of all remaining events and then multiplied by the stake. Afterward, the organisational deduction is applied. For example:

  • The customer places a R100 bet for PSG, Real Madrid, and Manchester City to win with odds of 1.50, 1.75, and 1.40 respectively, totaling an odds of 3.675. Real Madrid wins their match, while PSG and Manchester City have not yet started to play. The odds for PSG's win are now 1.40, and the odds for Man City's win are now 1.30. The customer wants to perform an early cashout to ensure a positive return on his/her bet. If the betting company applies a 10% deduction for each cashout, the calculation will look as follows:
    • (3.675/(1.40*1.30))*100 - 10% = R181.73

The same calculations apply both for prematch and live sports bets.

Multibets cashout calculation depends on changing odds. If active odds increased and it are higher than issued odds there will be more parameters in calculation. First of all stake is multiplied by the penalty if it is and multiplied by the issued odds. This calculation is divided from evaluation of odds for each bet odd. If active odd is equal or higher than odds penalty margin (3) and active odd – issued odd is equal or higher than active odd multiplied by odds increase to apply penalty % (0.2) than first calculation of multiplication of issued odds, stake and penalty is divided from active odds multiplied by odds penalty multiplier (2), if not divided from active odds. For example:

  • The customer places a R100 bet for PSG, Real Madrid, and Manchester City to win with odds of 1.50, 1.75, and 1.40 respectively. Customer is not sure for his bets and performs cashout at odds for PSG -1.40, Real Madrid – 3.10 and Manchester City 1.30. If the betting company applies a 10% deduction for each cashout, the calculation will look as follows:
    • (stake(100)*penalty(0.9)*issued odds(1.50*1.75*1.40)/ ((because active odd 1 < issued odd 1 and active odd 3 < issued odd 3), so active odd 1* active odd 3 * active odd 2 * 2 ( because active odd 2 (3.10) > 3 and active odd 2 – issued odd 2 (3.10 – 1.75) >= issued odd 2 (1.75 * 0.2) →
      • 100*0.9*1.50*1.75*1.40/(1.40*3.10*2*1.30)=R29.31

Note: no extra bonuses are used with cashout. Promotions, Jackpots, Multibet Bonus and etc. is not counting with cashout.

If user placed a bet but he wants to take money back and cancel slip, he could use cashout function. Steps for user to cash out money and cancel bet:

  1. Select the game which has enabled early payouts (‘Prematch’/’Live’).
  2. Select several events and place a bet.
  3. Go to ‘My Bets’ section of user profile in the right at the top.
  4. The recently added bet is the first in a list. In the right of this bet line click on ‘Cash Out ‘button in ‘Cash Out Status’.
  5. After clicking on ‘Cash Out’ button click on ‘Confirm’ in the same place.
  6. After confirmation of cash out slip status changes to ‘Winner – Paid Out’.
  7. Enjoy your winnings!

Cash Out process in retails/cashier-ui Early cashout process is available after revoke slip process is unavailable. Revoke slip process can be done before odds change. When odds change then early cash out can be done. Steps for early cashout in cashier application:

  1. Select the game which has enabled early cashout.
  2. Select several events and place a bet.
  3. Paste slip id in ‘Payout-Revoke’ section and check slip.
  4. Wait until ‘Revoke Slip’ button disappears and there will be button ‘Early pay out slip’.
  5. Click on ‘Early pay out slip’ button.
  6. Enter ‘Payout Code’ from printed ticket and confirm the cashout process on new modal.
  7. Enjoy your winnings!

Note: Cashout operation is available until game starts in Prematch events and until winner or looser status known in Live events both in online betting and cashier’s applications. If it is set resulted legs in early payout settings, then cashout will be available until there will be as many resulted legs as it is set. If one of the resulted events status is looser, cashout operation is not available any more. If at leats one of the active bets are not available for betting at a given moment (market is suspended, event is cancelled) early cashout is not allowed.

  • features/early-cashout.1659437351.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2022/08/02 10:49
  • by ieva-buinauskiene