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Test Betting Slip printing with a Browser

By default, it is mandatory to have a fully operational Printer and a Printer's application on your computer to successfully Print and preview Betting Slips. However, in some cases, with Aardvark technology supervision, we allow users to use feature dedicated for testing Betting Slip printing in Aardvark Cashier's User Interface (UI).

In short, this feature allows a specific user with enough permissions to ignore non-operational printer and its app, to test Betting Slip printing using just the user's internet browser.

Sign in

  1. Select Cashier's application from the two applications provided
  2. Provide your Cashier's credentials and login

Ignore printer

  1. Go to Printer's settings either through Top menu or User-drop down list
  2. Tick Use browser check box

Test Betting Slip printing

  1. You can, print test Betting Slip, Cash Operation, and/or Shift summary as provided in the Printer's menu
    1. A pop-up window notification will show up, to preview the printed document, please allow Pop-ups


  1. Start Shift
    1. Click on My Shift
    2. Select any Till
    3. Click Yes in the following question
  2. Visit any Product located on the left-side of the screen
  3. Place any bet entries you wish
  4. Enter Stake value
  5. Click Print
    1. A pop-up window notification will show up, to preview the Slip, please allow Pop-ups

Allow Pop-ups

To successfully preview the printed Slip in your browser, a user must allow pop-ups in the browser, to do so, please follow instructions provided in the How to allow pop-ups? article.


Please be informed that:

Printing Slips without Pop-ups

There is a solution to print betting slips without dealing with pop-ups and additional windows. Users who have proper permissions enabled can select 'IGNORE' on the top half of the cashier application near the printer status and test our application this way. Please note that there are cons and pros of using this method:



If you are experiencing any issues unforeseen in this article, please contact our Support Team for any further assistance. You may contact our team via an integrated support solution on the bottom right corner of the cashier or administrator interface, or via Skype (username: sbi_support).


Q: Even if I turn on Pop-ups, the window with printed slip won't open!
A: It's most likely blocked by Adblock. Please turn it off. Additionally, please note that you might be asked to login one more time after disabling your adblock software.