Table of Contents

DB schema for retail platform BI integrations

Documentation for core database schema that is exposed via for BI integration.

List of data tables

BI schema has the following data tables:

Table Description
slip List of betting slips sold
bet List of bets (single slip could have multiple bets)
bet_leg List of bet legs, multi-leg accumulator have more than one leg per bet
shop List of betting shops
pos List of POS, each POS belongs to one shop
shift List of shifts, each shift is associated with one cashier and POS
cash_op List of cash operations between punters and POS (cashier)
float_op Internal cash operations between operator accounts and POS
cashier List of cashier accounts (that have access to
admin List of management accounts (that have access to

slip table

Field Description
slip_id Numeric Slip ID, unique, printed on each betting slip.
shop_id Shop where slip was sold. Reference to shop table.
shop_name Name of the shop where this slip was issued.
shift_id Shift on which slip was sold. Reference to shift table.
pay_out_shift_id Shift on which slip was paid out. Null for losing or not paid out slips. Reference to shift table.
pay_out_shop_id Shop where slip was paid out. Null for losing or not paid out slips. Reference to shop table.
currency_code Currency code for slip cash operations.
state Slip state. Enum field.
n - new betting slip
w - winner not paid-out
W - winner paid-out
L - loser
r - revoked not paid-out
R - revoked paid-out
K - expired or forced loser slip
printed True if slip is reported to be printed successfully.
revoked True if slip is marked as revoked.
issue_time Time when slip was purchased/issued (main index for time based filtering)
unrevokable_time Time after which punter can no longer revoke the slip (if revocation is allowed at all).
resolve_time Time when slip was initially resulted (slip might be re-resulted later of event result changes).
pay_out_time Time when slip was paid-out.
expire_time Time when non-paid out slip will be converted to expired state (no longer pay-outable).
stake_total Total stakes in the slip.
win_total Total amount of money won by this slip.
paid_in Amount of money paid-in by the punter for the slip (always equal to price_total).
paid_out Amount of money paid-out to the punter (usually equal to 'win_total_d').

bet table

Field Description
slip_id Reference to slip table
issue_time Time when slip with this bet was purchased/issued (main index for time based filtering)
bet_id Unique ID for a bet
game_id Product ID (Aardvark internal)
stake Stake for this bet
odds Current odds for this bet (might not match initial odds, for example in dead-heat situations, keno game)
issued_odds Initial odds when bet was placed
bonus_multiplier Multi-leg accumulator bonus multiplier
state Bet state
1 - active
2 - won
3 - lost
4 - cancelled
estimated_win Estimated value of this slip
active_legs Number of legs not yet resolved
total_legs Number of legs in this bet

bet_leg table

Field Description
slip_id Reference to slip table
issue_time Time when slip with this bet leg was purchased/issued (main index for time based filtering)
bet_id Reference to bet table
game_id Product ID (Aardvark internal)
event_uuid Reference to event
event_title Brief event description (teams names for sport events)
event_sport Event sport type
bet_leg_id Unique ID for this row
market Bet market (type of bet placed)
selection Bet selection (chosen market outcome)
data Extra bet related data (Aardvark internal)
odds Actual odds for this selection
issued_odds Original odds when bet was issued
state Selection state
1 - active
2 - won
3 - lost
4 - cancelled

shop table

Single entry in this table represents one physical retail betting shop.

Field Description
shop_id Unique shop ID
display_name Shop name as configured in the admin interface
currency_code ISO-4217 currency code for cash operations used in this shop
location Shop address
disabled Set to 1 (true) if this shop is disables and no operations in this shop is permitted, or 0 (false) otherwise

pos table

Single entry in this table represents one physical POS (Point of Sales) or till in a betting shop.

Field Description
pos_id Unique POS ID
shop_id Reference to shop table
shop_name Name of the shop where this POS is located.
active_shift_id Reference to shift table if this till has an active shift
display_name Name or identified of this till as configured via admin interface
machine_uuid A restriction for computer identifier that is allowed to start new shift in this till
disabled Set to 1 (true) if this shop is disables and no operations in this shop is permitted, or 0 (false) otherwise

shift table

Shift is a cashier work session. Single entry in this table shows the summary of a single shift.

Field Description
shift_id Unique shift ID
user_id Reference to cashier table
user_login_name User name of cashier working on this shift
user_real_name Full name of cashier working on this shift
pos_id Reference to pos table
shop_id Reference to shop table
currency_code ISO-4217 currency code of money values in this shift
paid_in_count Total number of cash pay-in operations (same as total number of slips sold)
paid_out_count Total number of cash pay-out operations (same as number of winning slip payouts plus revoked slip payouts)
negative_balance Set to 1 (true) if this shift is allowed to operate with negative till balance, or 0 (false) otherwise
paid_in_amount Total amount of cash collected from punters in this shift
paid_out_amount Total amount of cash paid out to punters on this shift
float_in_count Total number of float pay-in operations (if float operations are used)
float_out_count Total number of float pay-out operations (if float operations are used)
float_in_amount Total amount of cash taken from the shop vault to the till
float_out_amount Total amount of cash taken from the till to the shop vault
start_time Time in UTC when shift was started (main index for time based filtering)
end_time Time in UTC when shift was closed or zero value if shift is still open
expire_time Time in UTC when shift would be automatically closed
machine_uuid Unique identifier of the computer used by the cashier for this shift
locked_out Set to 1 (true) if shift is locked (via the management interface or because critical till balance is reached), or 0 (false) otherwise

cash_op table

Single entry in this table describes a single cash operation between a punter and a cashier.

Field Description
cash_op_uuid Unique cash operation ID
shift_id Reference to shift table
user_id Reference to cashier table, unique ID of cashier that performed this cash operation
user_login_name User name of cashier account that performed this cash operation
user_real_name Full name of cashier that performed this cash operation
shop_id Reference to shop table, unique shop ID where this cash operation was performed
shop_name Shop name where this cash operation was performed
slip_id Reference to slip table
slip_uuid Reference to slip table
amount Amount of money transferred
currency_code ISO-4217 currency code of money values in amount_d field
tstamp Time in UTC when the cash operation took place (main index for time based filtering)
slip_state Type of cash operation. Enum field.
n - pay-in for new slip
W - payout for winning slip
R - pay-out for revoked slip

float_op table

Single entry in this table describes a single cash operation between a shop vault and a till.

Field Description
float_op_uuid Unique float operation ID
shift_id Reference to shift table
user_id Reference to admin table or cashier table, account that performed float operation
user_login_name User name of cashier or admin account that performed this cash operation
user_real_name Full name of cashier or admin that performed this cash operation
shop_id Reference to shop table, unique ID of shop where this float operation was performed
shop_name Shop name where this float operation was performed
slip_uuid Reference to slip table
amount Amount of money transferred
tstamp Time in UTC when the cash operation took place (main index for time based filtering)

cashier table

Single entry in this table describes a single cashier account.

Field Description
user_id Unique account ID
username Name used to sign-in to the system
display_name Actual first and last name of the cashier
active_shift_id Reference to shift table if this cashier has an open shift
disabled Set to 1 if account is disabled, or 0 otherwise

admin table

Single entry in this table describes a single administrator account.

Field Description
user_id Unique account ID
username Name used to sign-in to the system
display_name Actual first and last name of the owner of this account
disabled Set to 1 if account is disabled, or 0 otherwise